University for record
you want to break a world record:?. Here is an university to help,
Which is the fastest running animal?
Which is the longest living animal?
Certainly the answer is
not Human being.
So each human being should do differently, that too among with human beings. Then only it’s
only worth to call as human being…, These are flow thoughts of Dr. Biswaroop
Chowdhury, He is the Indian representative of World Records University
The above can be justified by his own achievements. Dr.
Biswaroop Chowdhury had born with hole
in his heart For that he had operation at his age four. He had been warned that he will not able to do the normal physical works in future
But Dr Biswaroop
Chowdhury had beaten the world record in pushups. He had beaten the record of a
Canadian. He had made 198 push ups
in one minute and broken the
Canadian record of 138 pushups per minute
Dr Bishwaroop had also broken the world record of a German in memory section.
How this is possible?
If you want to know the secret of these , here is now a World
Records University. This university now gets thesis from the world best record
breakers in line of their preparations, their scientific way of methods adopted. It also records their difficulties faced, how they faced it, their
learnt lessons, cost incurred, depressed
moment and how they recovered from that…
and so on.
University is of
belief that these thesis will help the aspirants
of the new world record breakers. World
Records University finally gives
honorary doctorate to the record breakers after scrutinizing their thesis.
Head office of World Records
University is located in London and is registered in the United Kingdom.
It has
branch offices in India, USA and in Vietnam. The University is in now one and
half years old
This year
This year convocation of University was hosted by Vietnam
Book of Records. Convocation held at Ho
Chi Minh City on 22nd of March
I have given here the brief of Indian Honorary Doctorate recipient
achievements of the current batch of convocation,.I hope their achievements
will inspire you
If you are viewer of Zee News you are
familiar with name Sandeep Kochar.
His fortune telling program started on December 5th 2006. It is regularly telecasting in the morning slot of Zee
News TV .
Sandeep Kochar is
star fortune teller among celebrities.
He fly all around world all the time. In spite he has not lost
of continuity of his fortune telling program, Till date
records his slot 10 days ahead of its telecast.
Rahul G Kehwani |
Mumbai’s Rahul G Kehwani is a creative coin collector. He has 11111 coins of 25
paisa, Every 25 paisa coin carries of 1989 year mark. For this Keshwani has taken special
permission from RBI. Keshwani also given more than 100 people the ten rupees
notes with their date of birth as serial number. He has several special notes
which has Gandhi’s birth day, death day, Amithab’s birthday ‘s serial number in
his collection . His name is also in Gunniess book of records
Kumaran of Chennai has played drum continuously for
56 hours. He is still at age 157.
World records University do not see the age criteria to give
hononoray doctorate,
University has a view “When
most person do not do anything
throughout his life, why age should we
made a barrier to give honorary
So 9 year old girl has given doctorate for her
achievement. She could assemble and dissemble a laptop within
15 minutes and 23 seconds
Hemendra Bansal’s
eye one who is Major in Indian army is
very sharp. He could could write with bare eye 5240,English Characters in half
ground nut. He could write LOVE word , 1310 time
Women’s are not also
behind in breaking records. Vijaya Jyothi could dance
on wire and plate for a long time. Dolly
Das is practicing Assam folk songs for 45 years. She made a record by a
event singing thousands artist together
There are record breakers with making danger stunts. Arun Thomas of Tamilnadu has stayed in longest time in
transparent box. Pune’s Mayur Jeeth Singh could stop in one
minute the 26 fans which is running at a rpm(rounds per minute)
of 790. Uttam Das has written whole bible in reverse(mirror) language
Karnataka’s Sadananada
Swamy has a record of gathtering 28000 school childrens for a cinema shooting.
Aravind Gupta New Delhi based pharmacist has built a temple
for freedom fighters, He has collecte 230 freedom fighters details ( one who are from 1760 and
1947) and displayed their contributions
in the temple
Vasantha Hosabettu, after receiving Honoray Doctorate from the World Records University |
By the by this writer too had a world record. He could write continuously for 218 weeks a cartoon column which dealt with theme cartoon, cartooning and cartoonist
Johnson |
51 year bachelor Johnson
from Kerala had entered Gunniess book of records by collecting 3109 candles. This was in year 2011. But this
world record was broken by a person of Hongkong. Now Johnson record is a national record,
Johnson had travelled China for the aim of collecting the candle. He has
candles of 12 different countries,
Dr Biswaroop Choudhry
one who is Indian representative of World Record University has informed, if the
convocation had held on February 22 as per earlier schedule Indian honororay recipients could had
chance to meet the world record holders .
Refered other World Records Holders are from Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia Africa like other countries.
Feb 22nd event was postphoned because of Vietnam book editor
had a brain stroke on that time. But he could recover from that and attended
the event March 22nd.
Yoga guru Baba Ramdev had also written thesis for for his
world record of addressing 10 core
He too has got Honorary doctorate from World Records
(Translation of article about University for record breakers written by Dr. Vasantha Hosabettu published in Sudha,
Kannada weekly, dated 20th April 2014)